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Showing posts from February, 2021


 I cannot fathom how people work an 8 to 5 job each and everyday. I work every other week and boy do I get worn out. After work, I have devoted my time to grabbing some ice cream on my way home and it is something I count down to everyday. It is a way to calm and relax my nerves. In short, it pieces me back together. On that point, we all feel different after long hours of work and we need to unwind, therefore, it is very important for us to indulge in activities that make us, us. Activities that bring back our sanity. Having ice cream is just one way of doing just that, and dad has since jumped on the bandwagon and it is now a father-daughter "thing", besides bonding over wine. Certain people prefer to keep to themselves after work, but sometimes your ritual is your gateway to bonding with your loved ones (family and friends). Find something to do that relaxes you and enjoy doing it while you are at it. Affirmation: I am peace. HERE IS TO MORE COFFEE TALKS 


Alas! The five months of January have come to an end. Posting last month was a challenge and totally out of question as my schedule was quite hectic. But I pulled through and I am back with my weekly posts. 2020 definitely took us all by surprise and I would like to call this year 2020 2.0 reason being that last year we were blind sided but as we face the virus this year we have more experience.   We start off knowing that we know how to manoeuvre around the situation we are faced with. We keep our heads held high and we do not stop until we achieve our goals. Let us build ourselves and each other and make it an even greater year. You and i are meant to achieve more than we envision. And "when you think you have exhausted all possibilities, remember that you have not". Here is to you and I. Affirmation: I am love                                                 ...