My week has been crazy busy and I could not swallow the thought of not posting. Today, I share with you some of my Favourite’s quotes from various sources: “A well read woman is a dangerous creature”. Unknown “She reads books as one would breath air, to fill up and live”. Annie Dillard “When I think of all the books still left for me to read, I am certain of further happiness”. Jules Renard “Whatever our souls are made of his and mine her the same”. Emily Bronté What are some of your favourite quotes? HERE IS TO MORE COFFEE TALKS.
Let us chat. I have been searching to find something that resonates with my soul to make me feel whole and ended up empty handed. At the end of the day i choose starting another blog which would give viewers an even more personal view of my life. So, let us get talking, hope you enjoy my posts as everything here will be raw. Thanks.